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RDM 2000 CD

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[Back to Top] RDM 2000 CD Purchase Info

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the RDM 2000 CD, this is where you can find information on how to get your hands on a copy.

[Back to Top] Buy on MP3.com

"RDM 2000" available on MP3.com.

Purchase Price: $11 US
Payment Method: Online (Credit Card)

Purchase Instructions:
  1. Visit my MP3.com Artist Page [OFF-SITE LINK]
  2. Click on the RDM 2000 link on the left side of the screen, under the "Albums" heading.

    You may need to fill out a form with some basic information before you can gain access to any MP3.com services.

  3. If you wish, you can listen to a preview of each track that appears on the CD.
  4. Click on the Add to Shopping Cart button and follow any further instructions provided.
[Back to Top] Alternatives

If you don't have a credit card or are reluctant to give out your credit card information online, you may send an order by Snail-Mail.

I will use the money to buy the CD from MP3.com myself, and then send it to you. However, for this extra trouble and cost, the price is $20-$22 CANadian (depending where in the world you live), and it MUST be cash or a Money Order.

I discourage this method however, because cash tends to mysteriously disappear in the mail. It's happened to me once already, much to my disappointment, as it was my pay-off for many hours of hard work.

The reason I don't accept cheques is because it can often cost more than the cheque is worth to transfer the money between banks. I apologize for this inconvenience.

To go ahead with this method, please print out, fill in, and mail this Orderform. It contains all necessary mailing information.

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© 2000 Rob Diaz-Marino. All rights reserved.