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Dragon Trek CD!

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[Back to Top] Dragon Trek CD Purchase Info

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the Dragon Trek CD, this is where you can find information on how to purchase it.

[Back to Top] Buy on MP3.com

"Dragon Trek CD!" available on MP3.com.

Purchase Price: $13 US
Payment Method: Online (Credit Card)

Purchase Instructions:
  1. Visit my MP3.com Artist Page [OFF-SITE LINK]
  2. Click on the Dragon Trek CD! link on the left side of the screen, under the "Albums" heading.

    You may need to fill out a form with some basic information before you can gain access to any MP3.com services.

  3. If you wish, you can listen to previews of each track that appears on the CD.
  4. Click on the Add to Shopping Cart button and follow any further instructions provided.
[Back to Top] Alternatives

If you don't have a credit card or are reluctant to give out your credit card information online, you may send an order by Snail-Mail.

I will use the money to buy the CD from MP3.com myself, and then send it to you. However, for this extra trouble and cost, the price is $20-$22 CANadian (depending where in the world you live), and it MUST be cash or a Money Order.

I discourage this method however, because cash tends to mysteriously disappear in the mail. It's happened to me once already, much to my disappointment, as it was my pay-off for many hours of hard work.

The reason I don't accept cheques is because it can often cost more than the cheque is worth to transfer the money between banks. I apologize for this inconvenience.

To go ahead with this method, please print out, fill in, and mail this Orderform. It contains all necessary mailing information.

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© 2000 Rob Diaz-Marino. All rights reserved.